Transcription: I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a man of love, I'm a man of love I'm a ma ...
DJ-BoBo V1.01
Protracker and family
Protracker M.K.
By DTC Original version >>>> Somebody Dance With Me >>>>>>>>>> by DJ-BoBo If you like this mod, then contact me >>>>> e-mail: dtc@informatik. Or call me on IRC !!! Greetings to: Animal of DEFECT, Kreator,Blacky,Kriss, Mr.M and Thora of 604 Sonix and Mr.Perfect (not the wrestler!!!) Special greetings to Heino for the sampler and CD-player !!! Amiga forever >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Intel outside =*V1.01*= (c)1994 DTC